Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Environmental Chemical Compound Research Writing Assignment Paper - 1

Environmental Chemical Compound Writing Assignment - Research Paper Example It is a non-corrosive, colourless gas2. At low concentrations it is odourless, but at very high concentrations it has an odour similar to that of ether3. It has a melting point of -157.7⠁ °C and a boiling point of -29.8⠁ °C4. It is soluble in water and many other organic solvents such as benzene and cyclohenxanone5. It has a molecular weight of 120.913 and does not burn in air6. It is normally compressed and stored as liquefied gas7. It has a vapour pressure of 4850 mmHg8. Because of the non-corrosive nature and very low boiling point of dichlorodifluoromethane, it was mainly used as a refrigerant in numerous home and industrial settings; it could not damage the mechanical components of the refrigerators. It was also used as an aerosol propellant in many pharmaceutical products such as Salbutamol and cosmetic sprays. Another use was in fire extinguishing systems, where it was used as a foaming agent. The chemical was also as an intermediate chemical in the production of other chemicals such as fluoropolymers9. Dichlorodifluoromethane was released into the environment during its production, transportation, storage and eventual use. Because of its high vapour pressure, any dichlorodifluoromethane that was released onto the ground quickly found its way into the atmosphere through volatilisation. Once in the atmosphere, the chemical accumulated in the troposphere. In this part of the atmosphere, the chemical was found to be very stable because it did not photodissociate at the wavelengths of light higher than 200 nm found in the troposphere. It accumulated in the troposphere and then spread around the world, and then diffused into the stratosphere after around thirty years. Once in the stratosphere, the chemical underwent photodissociation, influenced by the strong, short wavelength UV light10: These reactions contributed to the ozone destructions. The fact that a chlorine atom gets

Monday, October 28, 2019

Language Use in Kaskus Essay Example for Free

Language Use in Kaskus Essay A. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Computer-mediated communication refers to any form of communication enabled through the use of computers. In the computer-mediated communication literature, the term generally refers to communication modalities dependent on computer-based networks or meta-networks, particularly the Internet and commercial online services. Language plays an important role in the communication activities in the computer-mediated communication. The language itself is used by people as a communication tool. Specifically, as i mentioned above that computer mediated communication (CMC) is about anything(communication) that use computer as a media to transfer information, to talk with other persons, to discuss issues or something like that. While we know that on CMC, for right now internet with its world wide web (network) is the only tool and the only way to get connected with others, i don’t see any alternative beside internet. In internet there are many people with different language background, different social background and of course different culture and manners. What’s become my curiousity is how people with these so many differences talking and discussing to each others, how can they understand each others without being rude to others. But i’m not going to conduct a linguistic research of language use in the internet generally globally, because there has been a lot of research on this subject. But, what becomes my interest is how indonesian people with different social and culturul background talking and disccussing a topic in Kaskus, one of the biggest and largest online forum in Indonesia. Kaskus, with more than two millions users from all over indonesia is a populer online service to discuss and to sell products. Kaskus has an easy  peasy access, has a discussion thread about almost everything like computer, books, entertainment and many more. Kaskus user are from all over indonesia which have different culture and social background, in this case sometimes user doesn’t pay attention to the forum rules, nettiquette and sometimes being sarcastic, i’ve found this several time in kaskus. This case indicating that some of user do not know the nettiquete and language rules used in kaskus forum. So why i’m here try to observe and doing a research on how kaskuser (kaskus user) use the language, what style are used, and what kind of expressions in kaskus forum that is used to show respect, manners, and and self expressions like anger, happy etc. B. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM From the title and the background of the study i formulate the research questions as follows : 1. What are the general forum rules applied in kaskus? 2. How far kaskuser pay attention to the forum rules in discussion thread? 3. What are the form of languages style used in kaskus? 4. What are the meaning of those language expressions/style? 5. Who use the language? The gender, the age. C. PURPOSE OF THE STUDY This research is aimed to gather information about the language use in kaskus forum, especially how those language are used to express manner and ethical relations between the kaskuser. D. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The significance of this research is to bring a data to enrich the linguistic analysis in indonesia especially in computer-mediated communication subject. This research is also will be useful for those who use internet as a communcation tool generally and for kaskuser who love to join discussion in kaskus so they are will never again feel worried about being rude to others, bacause this research will bring them information how to use the language properly and how to communicate ethically to others E. SCOPE AND LIMITATION The research is limited only on the language use, the style and the way kaskuser interact with others, the researcher will not analysis where the language comes from and how the language changed. CHAPTER II THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK A. INTERNET Internet, according to Merriam Webster Dictionaries is an electronic communication network that connects computer networks and organizational computer facilities around the world. B. KASKUS Kaskus is an Indonesian internet forum site which claims itself as the largest Indonesian online community. It ranks as the top 10 most popular website in Indonesia (weasel words), positioning at 241 worldwide according to It was established on November 6, 1999, by three Indonesian students (Andrew Darwis, Ronald Stephanus, and Budi Dharmawan) in the United States. In August 2012, Kaskus has more than 4,000,000 registered accounts and more than 650,000,000 total posts. In August 2005 and September 2006, PC Magazine Indonesia voted Kaskus as The Best Indonesian communities twice (2005 2006). Registration is required for new users to participate in the community, and every registered member has access to more than twenty regional and subject-related sub-forums. The community runs on the vBulletin forum software. C. NETTIQUETE Cyberspace contains many different cultures, which some writers have called virtual communities. Each of these communities has its own rules and customs. But many rules apply throughout almost all of cyberspace and the rules of internet is called nettiquete. Nettiquete comes from word Internet and Etiqutte. Virginia Shea Stated that The word etiquette means the forms required by good breeding or prescribed by authority to be required in social or official life. Etymologically, it comes from the French word for ticket. If you know the etiquette for a particular group or society, you  have a ticket for entry into it. (Virginia Shea,1994) D. COMPUTER-MEDIATED COMMUNICATION 1. Computer mediated communication (CMC) involves exchanges of information in textual, audio, and/or video formats that are transmitted and controlled by the use of computer and telecommunication technology. It must be noted that CMC is the basis of interpersonal interaction via groupware systems. An interesting definition of CMC is given by December (1997): Computer-Mediated Communication is a process of human communication via computers, involving people, situated in particular contexts, engaging in processes to shape media for a variety of purposes. 2. Chrispin Thurlow, laura lengel and Alice Tomic (2004) define Computer Mediated Communication into 3 cores : a. Communication While trying to ground CMC into a proper understanding we have to know what exactly is communication. * Communication is dynamic, One of the most well known ways of thinking about communication is the idea of a sender, a message and a receiver, in computer terms, might be regarded as an ‘information-processing’ perspective. Instead, communication is better understood as a process which is much more dynamic. The meaning of messages does not reside in words, but is much more fluid and dependent on the context, shifting constantly from place to place, from person to person, and from moment to moment. * Communication is transactional, Even though people still sometimes like to think of communication as the exchange of messages between senders and receivers, communication is really about the negotiation of meaning between people. Individuals are both speakers and listeners and these roles switch back and forth all the time in any one conversation. Once again, this also means that communication is constantly changing as two (or more) people interpret each other and are influenced by what the other says. In other words, it’s a transaction between them. Most theorists would agree that communication simply cannot happen outside human social interaction. It is really only when someone recognizes and/or responds to something you say or do that communication can be said to have occurred. * Communication is multifunctional, Consciously or unconsciously, communication serves many different functions and usually  serves more than one function at any given time. For example, communication may be used to influence people’s behavior or attitudes, to inform people, to seek information, to exert control over people, to befriend or seduce people, to entertain and please people, and so on. Although for the sake of analytical convenience, scholars do sometimes distinguish between the interactional (or relationship-focused) and informational (or content-focused) domains of communication, it’s usually impossible to separate the two. Think about famous chat-up lines like ‘Can I buy you a drink?’ or ‘Do you have the time?’ Although both appear to seek information, the intention is clearly relational! * Communication is multimodal, However important it may be, language is of course just one of many ways we have of communicating. Verbal messages always come packaged with other messages (or ‘metamessages’) formed by different ways of making meaning – what are usually called nonverbal modes of communication. In fact, more often than not it is these other modes of communication which are relied on more than the verbal mode. The best example of this is when someone is lying to us: ‘Look me in the eye and tell me you didn’t do it!’ The range of nonverbal codes is vast and accounts for much of the social information we glean: vocal (e.g. tone of voice, accent, volume, pauses), movement (e.g. facial expression, gestures, posture), physical appearance (e.g. height, weight, skin colour), artefacts (e.g. lighting, dà ©cor, fashion), and use of space (e.g. body orientation, touch, distance). b. Mediated Depending on how much we already know about human communication, we will more than likely know that all communication is mediated to some extent or other. According to Chambers’ Twenty-first Century Dictionary, the verb to mediate means to convey or transmit something or to act as a medium for something. In turn, a medium is something by which, or through which, an effect is produced. In other words, mediation is simply the process or means by which something is transmitted – whether it’s a message, a feeling, a sound, or a ghostly apparition! In the case of communication, we’ve already indicated that communication is always channelled by, and dependent on, its context for meaning. Communication is therefore mediated through our interactions with people and by means of any number of different verbal and nonverbal  modes. Communication can never exist in a vacuum.We will probably have heard about the phrase ‘channels of communication’. These can be social (or cultural), psychological (or mental), linguistic (or symbolic) or material (or technical). It’s in this way that scholars usually identify several layers of contextual variables which influence – or mediate – communication. Broadly speaking these fall into three main categories : psychological, e.g. our perceptions, mental maps, and prototypes; social, e.g. our relationships, stereotypes, and individual experiences; cultural, e.g. the myths and ideologies of whole societies of people. c. Computer Having confronted the relative complexity of the terms ‘communication’ and ‘mediated’, it may disappointing to know that even the term computer cannot be taken for granted. Almost everything nowadays involves computers in some way or other, and, consequently, almost everything we do is in some way or other mediated by computers. Think, for example, of the digital technology which drives our telephone exchanges, brings television channels into our homes, tells us the time, and so on. What’s more, with such things as video conferencing, webcams and voice recognition, technological changes are taking us nearer and nearer to the kind of face-to-face (or just FtF) communication we’ve been used to all along. It’s in this way that the computerization, which drives so many areas of our lives, is becoming more and more invisible. Indeed, Pixy Ferris (1997) previously proposed that CMC should also be broad enough to include office automation, â₠¬ ¢ (Chrispin Thurlow, laura lengel and Alice Tomic :2004) CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. RESEARCH APPROACH AND DESIGN The reseacher use qualitative discriptive aproach. Qualitative research refers to inductive, holistic, emic, subjective and process oriented methods used to understand, interpret, describe and develop theory on a phenomenon or a setting and is a systematic, subjective approach used to describe life experiences and give them meaning (Morse Field 1996:199; Burns Grove 1998:35). Brink and Wood (1998:335) cite Benoliel’s (1984) description of qualitative research â€Å"as modes of systematic inquiry concerned with understanding human beings and the nature of their transactions with themselves and with their surroundings†. Leininger (1985:5) defines qualitative research as the methods and techniques of observing, documenting, analysing, and interpreting attributes, patterns, characteristics and meanings of specific, contextual or gestalt features of a phenomenon. B. DATA COLLECTION 1. Data Source The data is mainly taken from discussion thread in kaskus, like discussion thread, results of observations etc. 2. Instrument of Collecting Data * Doing observations * Interview (By Chating and PM or Private Message) * Making a Poll or Voting * Taking screenshot/ image * Questionaire C. DATA ANALYSIS The data will be analyzed using Miles and Huberman Theories where there are 3 Steps in ana lyzing the data : 1. Data Reduction. The data that has been collected from observations, questionaire and interviews are selected and sorted. The data that can represents the theme of the research will be analyzed. 2. Data display The data will be displayed after getting a summarizing. In data display the data that have been reducted then will be compressed, organized without risking the loss of information. 3. Drawing and veryfying conclssion The reasons for reducing and displaying data are to assist in drawing conclussions. While drawing conclussions logically follows reduction and display of data, in fact it takes place more or less concurrently with them. Thus possible conclussions may be noted early in the analysis, but they may be vague and ill-formed at this stage. They are held tentative pending further work, and have been analysed. Conclussions will be in the form of  preposistions, and once they have been drawn, the data need to be verified. D. EXAMPLE OF DATA SAMPLE 1. Red Font Colour 2. The Using of Capital Letters 3. Kaskus emoticon 4. Kaskus Terms Like Agan, Bata, Cendol, Sundul REFERENCES * * Creswell, J. W. 2003. Research Design: Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. SAGE. Thousand Oaks. USA. * Thurlow, Crispin. Lengel, Laura. Tomic, Alice. 2004 Computer Mediated Communicatio (Social interaction and The Internet). SAGE. Thousand Oaks. USA. * Shea, Virginia. 2004. Netiqutte. Albions Books, USA

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Call Of The Wild :: essays research papers

Call of the Wild Jack London's thrilling epic tale of adventure and bravery, through the eyes of a part St. Bernard, part German Shepherd named Buck. Our story opens with the author describing the lifestyle of this pampered dog on the premises of his master's home, Judge Miller, in the Santa Clara valley. John London describes a particular gold rush that transpired in 1897 and it was named the Klondike gold rush. Very early in the story line, Buck is kidnapped by Manuel, one of the gardener's helpers, who's major weakness was gambling. Buck was sold to two men named Francois and Perrault. Buck was shipped to Alaska to serve as a sled dog during the Klondike gold rush. One of my favorite lines in the book is where John London writes; "Buck's first day ashore was like a nightmare." "Every hour was filled with shock and surprise." (Page 12) You can see that he is trying to convey how different his new life is now. Buck was placed among a pack of savage husky, wolf-l ike dogs. (Billie, Joe, Sol-leks, Dave, Spitz and Curly are just to name a few. After Buck had completed his wearisome labor his body had become feeble and weak. (Injuries also added to this dilemma later on.) The other savage animals that Buck is placed with, live by only one rule, the law of club and fang. Buck is placed in several predicaments where he must defend himself against the other savage animals and he is disciplined for it. Buck loved his 'master', John Thorton who saved Buck's life from Hal, Buck's master, prior to this event. Following his departure, Buck finds himself in the wild, trusting and depending on his primal instincts. Learning how to pursue his food is but one of the many milestones in the book that Buck must overcome. (Jack London describes how Buck hunted down a rabbit for food.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Guilt of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth Essay -- William Shakespeare

The Guilt of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth Guilt is a very strong and uncomfortable feeling that often results from one’s own actions. This strong emotion is one of the theme ideas in William Shakespeare, â€Å"Macbeth†. Both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth feel guilt, but they react in different ways. Guilt hardens Macbeth, but cause Lady Macbeth to commit suicide. As Macbeth shrives to success guilt overcome’s Macbeth where he can no longer think straight. Initially Macbeth planned was to kill Duncan but it wasn’t enough he also had to kill Banquo and Macduff’s family. On the other hand Lady Macbeth had to call upon the weird sister to unsexed her so she had no true feeling towards anything as if she was a man. However, the true guilt of the murder can fall on either Lady Macbeth or Macbeth. Perhaps one of the strongest obvious evidence that show guilt, is how it affects lady Macbeth, how she couldn’t handle it any longer, and that was the reason of her death. Lady Macbeth realizes that nothing could ever get rid of the smell of the blood and the guilt caused by all the murders committed by Macbeth. â€Å"Here’s is the smell of blood still. All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. O, O, O!’’, (V, I, 53-55) It’s also shown here that she feels responsible for every person her Husband killed. The guilt of Duncan's murder can be placed firmly on the hand on Lady Macbeth. Lady Macbeth wants the murder of Duncan for her own gains. Given the present situation, she is hungry for power. The weird sisters predicted that Macbeth would be king. This means that the obvious result would be Lady Macbeth will be queen. Instead of waiting for Duncan to die naturally or to be killed by someone else, she forces the task onto Ma cbeth. .. ...d her children be murdered. As Macduff reaches England he hears the news and grief and vow revenge upon Macbeth. Although the tragic hero Macbeth physically committed the crime, it was Lady Macbeth that pushed him to his limits of rational thought and essentially made fun of him to lower his esteem. With Macbeth's defenses down, it was an easy task for Lady Macbeth to influence Duncan's murder and make up an excuse as to why she could not do it herself. The Quotes and explanations used throughout this essay, built up proof that guilt plays a large role in motivating Macbeth. Guilty feelings were brought out through the character’s actions and responses, until the very fatal end were they wishes none of all this ever happened. Works Cited Shakespeare, William. Tragedy of Macbeth . Ed. Barbara Mowat and Paul Warstine. New York: Washington Press, 1992.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

How Adultery Is Permissible

Erik Turley Paper #4 12/5/11 How Adultery is Permissible In Don Marquis’ â€Å"What’s Wrong with Adultery† he gives several examples of why adultery can be used or justified in a marriage. He brings up issues like one partner agreeing to a marriage contract but not fulfilling their side of the contract in the marriage. Another point he uses is one spouse not fulfilling the others desire in the â€Å"sex and love† department (213). Adultery is a sinful word for many; while some have justifications for the act. I believe that adultery is morally permissible in some cases. In the story Marquis talks about a married couple in a bad relationship.In many cases most people would get a divorce if their relationship broke down to an extent where they could no longer be around each other. But in some cases as Marquis said, that is not the best option for the married couple. Sometimes a married couple has younger children or even teenagers who would be dreadfully hur t if their parents split up. The married couple fears the worst for the kids and stays together for this reason. If they both agree that they cannot satisfy each other’s sexual desires, then what is wrong if they both agree to get that sexual happiness with someone else?If a woman knows and accepts that if her husband is a happier person if he does this, than I believe it is ok. An outside individual might scream this is wrong, but that third party is not in the contract between the married couple. If the couple mutually agrees that those actions would be the best for each one of them and even the best for their immediate family then I believe that adultery is morally permissible in this instance. In Marquis’ story he shows Richard Wasserstrom’s reasons on why adultery is impermissible (209). Marquis disagreed with Wasserstrom’s statement on how adultery is to inflict pain on the spouse.I also disagree with Wasserstrom because that is not the main reason people commit adultery. However, if the reason a spouse commits adultery is to make the other spouse jealous or to intentionally cause pain, then I do believe adultery is impermissible in that case. An example of this is what a younger generation might call these acts of a person as being â€Å"spiteful. † People do spiteful things to intentionally harm another person. I believe that committing adultery to make a spiteful act is very wrong and impermissible. However, adultery may be caused by hundreds of different circumstances.And like Marquis mentioned in almost all of those circumstances a person does not blatantly tell the other spouse of their doing, because they do not want to intentionally hurt the other spouse. If one side is not fulfilling the others needs then I believe adultery is permissible if the spouse is not intentionally trying to inflict pain on the other spouse. We live in a society where other people tell us their feelings on our own personal life. We let others opinions and maybe even decisions affect our lives to an extreme. The only person who really knows and feels what is going on within their relationship is the two spouses involved.They should be able to keep other people’s voices aside and make the best decision for not only themselves, but also for their kids (if any) that are involved. If divorce is not the best option for the spouses, than we should allow a spouse go to another person to fulfill their desire with â€Å"sex and love. † People may call a person who is sexually active with another person outside of their marriage selfish, but they really may be very unselfish trying to find a little happiness outside of their bad relationship. Word Count: 620

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Classic 1972 Summit Series Essay Essays

The Classic 1972 Summit Series Essay Essays The Classic 1972 Summit Series Essay Essay The Classic 1972 Summit Series Essay Essay The 1972 Canada-Soviet Hockey Series was possibly the most dramatic athleticss event in Canadian history. Before the series came into being. the Soviet’s demonstrated that they were a tower of strength by winning 11 of 12 Olympic and World Championships from 1963 to 1973. However. Canadians believed that the Soviets would lose to Canadian professionals. The 1972 Super Series was the chance for Canada’s â€Å"best† to turn out their laterality over the Soviets. Charles Hay ( President Hockey Canada 1972 ) was quoted by stating. â€Å"At long last we are disputing the Soviets with a squad of Canada’s best hockey participants. and portion with all Canadians our pride in being represented by this superb group of immature work forces playing our national game. † This series would set the Soviet â€Å"amateurs† against Canada’s professionals. It has made a immense portion of history in Canadian hockey and will be remembered for old ages to c ome. The dramatic series consisted of an eight game series with four games being played in Canada and four games in Moscow. Unfortunately. the Soviets came out of Canada with a little lead in the series and headed back to Moscow for the following four games with place advantage. After losing the first game in Moscow. this put Canada in a tough place to win the following 3 games to win the series. Brian McFarlane from Hockey Night in Canada quoted. â€Å"I still experience Team Canada has superior single participants. Their corporate experience. and more than that their pride. will force them to triumph. But they must non take foolish punishments. Fast line alterations and consistent bow checking are the keys. particularly against participants like Kharlamov and Petrov. I think we’ll hold a little border when it’s all over. † The Canadians did in fact win it and that is why this unbelievable series played by two great squads made it such a memorable event. How could people bury the great goaltending Vladislav Tretiak provided for the Soviets! Or even the barbarous cut that Bobby Clarke laid on the Soviets star participant Valeriy Kharmalov’s mortise joint! Besides who could bury Phil Esposito endangering the referee with his stick! One memory that will neer be forgotten would hold to be when the Canadian participants had to deliver Alan Eagleson from the boisterous Soviet fans! All of these particular minutes that happened during the series assisted in doing this event a particular classic. This 1972 Super Series was and still is a authoritative. Similar to a authoritative novel or film. people remember the stoping. Paul Henderson’s winning end ended the 8th game winning the series for Canada. This made him a national hero. There are other illustrations that made this a authoritative series. Recently. the media took advantage of this series and made a particular Television series about it. There is besides a DVD made to advance the 1972 series. The one chief thing that makes it a authoritative is that people still talk about it 35 old ages subsequently merely like it happened yesterday. When one thinks of great international hockey. conversation normally comes up about the 1972 Super Series between Canada and the USSR. Charles Hay’s quotation mark in the debut paragraph negotiations about how Canadians had high outlooks for the participants that represented Canada. Canada did win the series. but it brought on a high regard for Soviet hockey that was non at that place earlier. The 1972 series was an electrifying spectacle of all time to blossom in Canadian spheres and got infinite 1000000s to watch the two states conflict it out. This series created an intense competition between Canada and Russia. which is still present to this twenty-four hours. Recently. the Canada/Russia competition continued with an eight game series between the best junior participants from each state. There was an effort to retroflex the authoritative 1972 series. but the ballyhoo was merely non at that place and most likely neer will be. The Canadians won this series rather conveniently. As people had high outlooks for the 1972 squad to rule the Russians. the 2007 squad showed great accomplishment and that they were the better squad. Everyone knows that the 1972 Super Series is a authoritative. and ever will be a great authoritative. Bibliography 1. Littler. H. ( 1974 ) . 1974 Canada Vs Russia. Toronto: C. A. H. A. Services. 2. 1972 Summit Series. ( 1972 ) . Hockey Canada: C. A. H. A. Services. 3. Marsh. J. ( 1985 ) . In The Canadian Encyclopedia ( vol. 2. pp. 823-824 ) . Edmonton: Hurtig Publishers Ltd.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Arts Essays

Arts Essays Arts Paper Arts Paper Over the past few months, the media has drawn attention to the inhumane treatment of women in many Muslim societies.As a result of an influx of technological advances, Muslims societies are more aware of customs in other cultures.This awareness is slowly changing many Muslim beliefs.The atrocities that are portrayed by way of the media often represent extreme and isolated events, thereby depicting the plight of women as more harsh and widespread than it may actually be. The Muslim culture considers women to be inferior to men; women have been treated like second-class citizens for centuries.Many Muslims believe that a man is superior to a woman in both intellect and spirituality.This custom is based on verses from the Quran (Koran), the following verse reinforces these views.Men are in charge of women, because Allah hath men the one of them to excel the other, and because they spend of their property (for the support of women) (Yusufali 4: 34). Muslim women are often referred to as s hadows, because they rarely speak and are seldom seen.It is held that a womans place is home, where she can pray frequently.Because it is considered shameful for a woman to expose any part of her body publicly, she covers her face and body with what is referred to as a burqa during the isolated occasions where she leaves her home.It is believed that a woman who is lacking beauty will not sexually temp a man, for this reason, some societies will allow her to expose her face.It is an honor to be chosen as a Muslim wife, for this honor, a wife is expected to strive to please her husband.Traditionally, Muslim women are raised to be completely submissive to their husbands.The wishes of a husband must never be denied, doing so could result in a beating.A man has the legal right to beat his wife if she violates any of the

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Should You Take the ACT or the SAT

Should You Take the ACT or the SAT SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you're in high school, you may be wondering whether you should take the SAT or the ACT. In general, the two tests have gotten much more similarsince the SAT was revamped in 2016,but there are still a few differences that may sway you towards one or the other. In this guide, I've outlined some of the key factors you should keep in mind when deciding which test to focus on and created a quiz that can help you determine which test will be better for you. The first thing you should do is take anACTandSAT practice testand compare your scores. We have a conversion table where you can easily see how your SAT and ACT scores stack up. If you score much higher on one test than the other, I recommend that you study for and take the test you did better on. If your scores are pretty close and you're still not sure which exam to take, keep reading. Next, I recommend checkingwhether one exam or the other is required at your school. It's easier to study for a test you're already familiar with, so if your school requires either the ACT or the SAT, you'll want to seriously consider sticking to the requiredtest. Now, let's move on to the key reasons you might want to go with each test, starting with the SAT. Feature Image: jimflix!/Flickr Take the SAT If You... #1: Panic When Faced With Time Limits One of the most noticeable differences between the redesigned SAT and the ACT is the amount of time per question- you have much more of it on the SAT. This doesn't actually make the SAT easier,since its actual questions tend to be harder, but it does mean thatthe ACT feels like more of a time crunch than the SAT. As such, doing well on the ACTrequires calm in the face of time limits. If you struggle to move through material quickly or tend to panic, you'll likely do better with the SAT. #2: Can’t Stand the Idea of Not Getting to Every Question On the SAT, you have enough time to get to most of the questions, as long as you use it wisely. On the ACT, you probably won't finish all of the sections unless you're scoring a 30 or above. If you have an obsessive need to answer every single question, you should stick tothe SAT. #3: Have a Hard Time Spotting Details When You Read SAT reading questions almost always give you the line number where you can find the relevant information. Even if they don't give you the exact location, the questions are in order, so it's rarely difficult to find information in the passage. ACT reading questions, on the other hand, are randomlyordered and frequently don't give line numbers, so finding specific details in the passage is one of the trickiest parts. If you struggle with retaining or finding details, you will probably prefer the SAT. #4: Struggle With Geometry ACT math has over three times as many geometry questions as the math section on the redesigned SAT. Plus, for the ACT, you need to memorize all the formulas, while on the SAT you're given them at the beginning of the section. If you have a very hard time with geometry, consider taking the SAT. #5: Want to Encounter as Little Science as Possible The ACT has a science section; the SAT does not. If you dislike science or struggle with quantitative thinking, you will probably prefer the SAT. The redesigned SAT does include science questions in each of its threesections, so there's no way to escape science entirely. Nonetheless, struggling withscience will have less of an effect on your score onthe SAT than it willon the ACT. #6: Excel at Writing Analytical Essays in English Class The SAT essayasks you to read and analyze a persuasive essay, much like you might for aclass assignment. If you like English class, you'll almost certainly prefer the SAT essay to the ACT one. That being said, neither essay affects your overall score, so a preference for one or the othershouldn't play a major role in your decision between the two tests. Want to learn more about the SAT but tired of reading blog articles? Then you'll love our free, SAT prep livestreams. Designed and led by PrepScholar SAT experts, these live video events are a great resource for students and parents looking to learn more about the SAT and SAT prep. Click on the button below to register for one of our livestreams today! Next up: the six reasons you might prefer the ACT. Remember you'll have to study forwhichever test you choose. (Image: m00by/Flickr) Take the ACT If You... #1:Struggle With Vocabulary Although it no longer has sentence completion questions, the redesigned SATstill tests more challenging vocabulary on both the reading and writing sections. It also has harder passages on the reading section and more vocab questions overall. The ACT is the better test if you want to avoid higher-level words like "satiated" and "apprehensive" and older passages with challenging language. #2: Can't Always Explain How You Know an Answer Is Correct One of the big changes to the SAT is the addition of evidence questions on the reading section. These questions ask you to point to the part of the passage that supports your answer to another question- #14 is an example: Evidencequestions aren't as novel as they might seem at first, since, in theory, you should always be able to point to the support for your answer in the passage. But if this is a skill you really struggle with, consider taking the ACT instead. #3:Are Intimidated by Doing Math Without a Calculator The SAT has a no-calculator section, so if the idea of doing math without a calculator has you completely freaked out, you may want to stick to the ACT. However, the no-calculator section really doesn't require any complicated calculations. In fact,all of the math questions on both testscanbe done without a calculator, though some are rather challenging. The question is really whether you feel comfortable doing some basic calculations by hand. If not, the SAT will be a challenge for you. #4: Prefer That Different Topics Be Tested in Different Sections One of the goals of the SAT redesign is to integrateimportant skills across all three sections, so there's more overlap between the different sections than on the ACT. One key example of this new policy is the presence of quantitative questions in the reading and writing sections of the SAT. If you'd prefer to avoid this kind of concept mixing, stick with the ACT. #5: Have a Solid Grasp of Experimental Design If you like science, and especially if you have a good understanding of how experiments are built and know the difference between independent and dependentvariables, consider taking the ACT. The ACT asks a lot ofquestionsabout experimental design whilethe SAT new science questions are solely focused on reading charts and graphs. A strong grasp of these concepts will give you a considerable leg up on the ACT. #6: Like to Give Your Opinion The ACT essay is all about arguing for your own point (unlike the SAT essay, which is about analyzing someone else's argument). If you enjoystating your opinion and marshaling examples to back it up, then you will probably prefer the ACT essay. Remember, however, that you may not need to take the essay at all and that, even if you do, it doesn't affect your overall score. You can choose your own adventure in studying. (Image: Nathan Penglington, photo byColin Ross/Flickr) Quiz: Should You Take the ACT or the SAT? In case you're still on the fence about which test you want to focus on, I've created a handy quiz. It sums up all of the ideas above (except those relating to the optional essays) in one easy-to-use chart. To use it, just go through and check"yes" or "no" for each question. Then tally up your answers and give yourself one point for each "yes." Scroll down for an explanation of what your score means. Question Yes No Do you perform well under time pressure? Are you okay with not answering every question on a test? Do you struggle to explain why you think an answer is correct? Do you have a hard timewith high level vocab words? Can you spot details ina passage without reading it closely? Do you dread doing math without a calculator? Do you excel at geometry? Do you prefer each topic be tested separately? Do you understand experimental design? Do you like science? Let's go through what your score means: 1-3: You're an SAT person! If you answered "no" to most of the questions, you'll probably find the SAT more your style. You don't mind slightly harder questions as long asyou don't have to rush and don't have to cover too much material. 4-7: You can do either! If you answered "no" and "yes" roughly the same amount, you will probably find the tests equally approachable. If you're willing to put in the time, try taking one practice test for each and see if you have a strong preference. 8-10: You'll likethe ACT! If you answered mostly "yes," then you're more of an ACT person. You don't mind moving quickly, memorizing material, or answering questions about science. What's Next? For more info on the differences between the two tests, check out our full breakdown or these comparison charts. Wondering how well you'd score on the SAT or ACT?Take a practice test to find out! Check out our links to free and official ACT and SAT practice tests and get started. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Saturday, October 19, 2019

A Nation Apart 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

A Nation Apart 2 - Essay Example The author takes further association from the findings of Kroeber to support the emergence of demographic liberation to ignite the rapid urbanization and adoption of technology from developed countries. 2. Simon Elegant refers the warnings of Nouriel Roubini, a professor of New York University as an indicator for international financial implosion leading to economic crisis resulting in out bleak scenario for China. This is the refuting idea chosen by the author to start an argument relating to economic crisis in China. 3. Evidently, Simon Elegant makes out clear views of the trend with representation of statistical data. He uses more regulative terms to interpolate each element under discussion to prove it with some percentile explanation. He tries to find the true sides of China’s estimated annual growth rate of 11 per cent from the given conditions of spiking inflations of yester years. Details of export growth by 2.5% and an expectation for 8% growth in GDP after a depressive fall of 4% in industrial production during the second half of the preceding year are examples of his accuracy in assuming a statistical data. Overall, the author was quite successful in concluding the article on China’s economic downturn with an optimistic

Friday, October 18, 2019

Audit Reports Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Audit Reports - Essay Example Audit Report on financial statements of an entity is normally an independent auditor's report. Internal auditors also submit reports on assessment of internal controls installed by entities voluntarily or as statutory compliances. Audit report carries the results of audit examination conducted with in a framework in shape of opinion formed by auditors on such audit examinations. Auditing opinions formed and conveyed through audit reporting may be classified into four categories, namely an unqualified opinion, a qualified opinion, adverse Opinion, and disclaimer of an opinion. Unqualified Opinion expresses that financial statements are presented in accordance with requirement of GAAP. A qualified opinion conveys that financial statements present the financial position, financial results, and cash flow of the entity of the prescribed period in accordance with GAAP except for the matter or matters on which the report is qualified. Adverse Opinion on an audit report is provided when the financial statements do not present financial position, financial results and cash flows in accordance with applicable GAAP. Reports containing adverse opinion are issued when there are material departures from applicable GAAP in the presentations of financial statements. Some time an auditor is not in a position to form an opinion on the financial statement presentations. ... Objectives of Audit Reports Audit reports are medium of communication of results and findings of an examination or audit conducted under certain established framework. Under financial audit reporting auditor is concerned with forming an opinion on the financial statements and therefore independent audit report becomes an important medium for communicating that opinion to the shareholders or to the owners of the entity. This opinion of the auditor serves a variety of objectives of the audit function undertaken voluntarily or as compliance of a legal requirement. Some of these objectives are stated as under: Audit reports coveys the misstatements or deficiencies in the compiled financial statements showing the performance for a fiscal period and financial status on a particular date of an entity. That is to say the objective of audit reporting is to bring those deficiencies to the fore for the observance of the users of financial statements and helping them in taking their investing or other decisions respecting the entity involved. Audits are undertaken to bring improvement and fairness in reporting the results of operations to the shareholders or owners of the entity. Audit report, being the final function of auditing, is a tool to highlight the areas needing specific attention of the management for the improvement so that true and fair financial statements are presented to the users of such financial statements. Audit report serves variety of management and operational objectives as well.'A variety of individuals will use audit reports for a variety of purposes. Executive management will typically use an audit report to gain an insight to the overall status of

How can interactive media encourage students from secondary schools to Dissertation - 1

How can interactive media encourage students from secondary schools to eat healthy and thus contribute to reducing the growing o - Dissertation Example The present time reflects examples of advertising that make use of the persuasive technology with advertisers using words like ‘free’ and ‘hurry’ offering them with bargains on different products and services, and attracting greater number of consumers. This is reflected in the world of internet advertising as well. With the use of different software and applications, behavior and attitude of people are being altered. Such apps include financial apps or healthcare apps as well, thereby strongly communicating their messages to the people, and proving that web sites have become the most influential persuasive technology of the present times (Tittel, 2013). Beyond the web there are other persuasive technologies that have developed and become highly effective in the present day world. This includes the use of the mobile phones that has been obtained to have significant positive effects on persuading people towards better healthcare. Over the past few years, mobi le devices have been largely used for persuasion along with bringing together government agencies, academics, as well as health care organizations belonging to the private sector, for persuading people towards better healthcare. SMS services are used for promotion of healthcare trying to persuade people to change their attitudes and behavior towards how they maintain their health. This is also possible through the use of other media like the television, radio, and other forms of communications that people in general follow in the present times (Mobile Health, 2010). Considering contemporary examples of persuasive technologies beyond the web, such as mobile devices and hence SMS services have been mentioned earlier, and other communications media like television and radio (Mobile Health, 2010), the expansion and use of the persuasive technologies have been found in marketing of businesses, in environment, in education, and in health care. Use of body-wearable sensors, technologies th at are aware of contexts and real time information exchange are what makes up the persuasive technologies of the recent times involving devices like the mobile phones and other communicative devices (Chatterjee, 2009). 2. Advantages of Persuasive Technology Over Traditional Media and People: The emergence of persuasive technologies through the use of computers, web, and other devices has offered certain advantages over the traditional media and people. These include that it is more persistent than the human beings. It offers significant ambiguity. It has the capability to manage huge amounts of information. It can make use of several modalities to influence people. It can scale with ease. Also, persuasive technologies can be taken to places where it is not possible for human beings to reach. For example, offers books to its customers and along with that it suggests its customers for books through different links thus allowing customers to know about books that they otherw ise never knew (Drew, 2011). The development of information and communications technology has led to greater advantages of persuasion than the traditional media and people, with such revised development being more and more demanded. The present day persuasive

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Denver art museum Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5

Denver art museum - Essay Example It appears, after some time observing it, to be a functional piece of furniture, very chic and flirtatious. The concept and design is simple, but whimsical. It appeared to be made of patent leather or similar material, and it comes in a variety of colors to suit any dà ©cor. This is a very quirky piece, I found it very appealing. The tipi of Standing Bear was very moving to see. It brought feelings of remorse as well as excitement to see such an incredible piece of American history. Given what the white man did to the Indian people, seeing this tipi was and emotional experience. It depicted many horses being ridden as well as herded; perhaps symbolizing the horses Standing Bear took from other tribes. It is a very colorful, beautiful piece that should be regarded with tranquility. â€Å"Dylan†, by Milton Glaser (1966) is definitely apiece appropriate for its time. The colors are vibrant and attracting, reminiscent of the turbulence of the ‘60’s. It portrayed, at least to me, the mix of thought and feelings of that period, and the inner struggles that people had to endure at the time. It is a stunning piece that moves the soul. Hock E Aye Vi Edgar’s â€Å"Heap of Birds† (2004), is simply extraordinary. Its subtle tone leaves the soul feeling pitiful. The trees that he created feel more like tombstones or crosses instead of actual trees. He consciously references indigenous people and their cultures in each tree. The wheel that the trees become represent to me a changing of the tides of the world, culturally, spiritually and economically. It just leaves the heart crying, needing redemption. This is a superb piece that is extremely difficult to take your eye from it is so moving. â€Å"Venturi Faà §ade†, by Rauch, Brown and Venturi (1979) just shrieks 1970’s pop culture. The flowers are unlike any other period of art, loud, vivacious and huge. They used muted tones with a splash of

Should the courts see the original meaning of the constitution Research Paper

Should the courts see the original meaning of the constitution - Research Paper Example urt Justice Antonin Scalia did not agreed with the idea of changing the interpretation, while Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer wants it to change. The constitution should not be interfered with because it is the founding document of the United States. The Founding Fathers originally made the document for government and believed over time that the world will change, also the nation was built on and the foundation the U.S stands strong on. This paper will argue that Justice Breyer is correct. The Founding Fathers wrote a flexible document that would grow over the centuries. The U.S constitution was put together by several men—framers such as Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine and John Adams. However, James Madison was known to be the father of the constitution because he wrote the constitution in 1778. Madison believed that a consitution should have a fixed and stable meaning. He believed that the time in which this constitution was created was special and that in the future people should reference it when interpreting the laws (Sunstein, 1). In todays world thinking about the constitution has changed in some respects (although there are still people who agree with Madison). According to the Supreme Court Justice Stephen, â€Å"in finding the meaning of the constitution, judges cannot neglect to consider the probable consequences of different interpretations.† (Breyer, 74) Scientifically we do not have the technology go back in time and ask our Founding Fathers what exactly they meant word for word about the constitution. We do understand why they wrote it that way, so that people in our society can have a better life. Breyer makes his case very intelligently. He says, "The court should reject approaches to interpreting the Constitution that consider the documents scope and application as fixed at the moment of framing . . . Rather, the court should regard the Constitution as containing unwavering values that must be applied flexibly to ever-changing

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Denver art museum Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5

Denver art museum - Essay Example It appears, after some time observing it, to be a functional piece of furniture, very chic and flirtatious. The concept and design is simple, but whimsical. It appeared to be made of patent leather or similar material, and it comes in a variety of colors to suit any dà ©cor. This is a very quirky piece, I found it very appealing. The tipi of Standing Bear was very moving to see. It brought feelings of remorse as well as excitement to see such an incredible piece of American history. Given what the white man did to the Indian people, seeing this tipi was and emotional experience. It depicted many horses being ridden as well as herded; perhaps symbolizing the horses Standing Bear took from other tribes. It is a very colorful, beautiful piece that should be regarded with tranquility. â€Å"Dylan†, by Milton Glaser (1966) is definitely apiece appropriate for its time. The colors are vibrant and attracting, reminiscent of the turbulence of the ‘60’s. It portrayed, at least to me, the mix of thought and feelings of that period, and the inner struggles that people had to endure at the time. It is a stunning piece that moves the soul. Hock E Aye Vi Edgar’s â€Å"Heap of Birds† (2004), is simply extraordinary. Its subtle tone leaves the soul feeling pitiful. The trees that he created feel more like tombstones or crosses instead of actual trees. He consciously references indigenous people and their cultures in each tree. The wheel that the trees become represent to me a changing of the tides of the world, culturally, spiritually and economically. It just leaves the heart crying, needing redemption. This is a superb piece that is extremely difficult to take your eye from it is so moving. â€Å"Venturi Faà §ade†, by Rauch, Brown and Venturi (1979) just shrieks 1970’s pop culture. The flowers are unlike any other period of art, loud, vivacious and huge. They used muted tones with a splash of

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Business Communication And Presentations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7500 words

Business Communication And Presentations - Essay Example This essay stresses that the importance of communication and particularly communication of expectations is central to individual and organizational effectiveness. The organizational expectations should be unambiguously communicated to the individual manager which was not done in the case of the new Finance Director. He was thus unable to fit in the overall pattern and respond to the role expectations appropriately. The Managing Director further failed as the role sender in communicating the desired behavior. Despite this he evaluated and sanctioned the Finance Director as he was primarily concerned with self-interest. He was interested in the performance of his region and not of the corporate as a whole. Since the expectations were not clearly communicated there was lack of shared expectations. This situation presented an opportunity to the Finance Director who was proactive and defined his own role. This paper makes a conclusion that poor communication is the key driver of negative feelings among the top executives in any organization. Since the CFO is at a different location, the Finance Director has absolutely no face-to-face contact with him and hence tends to report regularly to avoid misunderstandings. Now that the Finance Director has been confronted by the Managing Director he has to explain and justify his position. He has to give a feedback on his actions and the work that he has been executing.

Variable Factors in Fitness Center Essay Example for Free

Variable Factors in Fitness Center Essay There are five areas of interest that would be play an essential role in the variable factors for a fitness center. The first interest would include utilities. Lighting and water plays a crucial role in maintaining the livelihood for a fitness center. The fitness center uses water to provide hot or cold showers to their members after workout, water fountains are available on almost every hall, and not to mention swimming pools and hot tubs that uses large amount of water throughout the year. Quality lighting as well as quantity offers a lot in a fitness center. Fitness centers need adequate amount of lighting so their members can work out effectively as well as safely. Everyone room in a fitness center requires some light source and some requires a magnificent amount of lighting, for example, a gymnasium requires large bulbs which uses a lot of energy to illuminate light successfully. Light and water are variable factors because these resources are dependent on the amount of members who use the facilities that requires light and water. If there is a decrease in membership then the amount of lighting and water that were being used will decline as well. The less active members are than the less resources management would use concerning lighting and water in certain facilities. The second variable factor for a fitness center would be toiletry items. The amount of soap, hand sanitizer, tissue, and disposable hand towels will vary based on the number of members a fitness center has as well as the business those members bring. A fitness center should keep inventory to avoid over-spending and ordering items that will not be used. If membership declines at a fitness center, management should be aware and carefully watch the portion of their budget that is spent on toiletry items. Fewer members will equate to less usage and need of soap, hand sanitizer, tissue, and disposable hand towels. However, if business increase at a rapid rate, then management should order toiletry items accordingly to accommodate their members. The third variable factor for a fitness center would be repairs. It is not uncommon for fitness centers to experience their equipment being worn down,  broken, or just over-used. Although one can argue an optimistic point of view and suggest damages are due to the consistent amount of usage by members, which means a consecutive flow of business for the fitness center. However, when equipment is hardly being used because members are not using the equipment or perhaps there are no members, then repairs are not needed. The more members that uses fitness center equipment or machines, it is expected to be more repairs or replacements. Sometimes equipment or machines that need to be repair result from the improper usage of the equipment or machine. If members are not following the instructions on the equipment or machines that explains how each one should be operated than one can expect repairs in the near future. The fourth variable for a fitness center would be laundry as it relates to amount of bleach and detergent that is being purchased. Laundry can get very hectic at a fitness center. One should always have enough towels for members after a shower and hand towels to wipe away the sweat from a long session on the treadmill. Laundry is a never ending cycle for a fitness center that experience a consecutive flow of business and especially when membership increases. A large membership may require around the clock laundry and excessive amount of bleach and detergent to properly ensure that towels and hand towels are being cleaned properly. Also, if the amount of members decreases than the usage of laundry facilities will decrease because the high the demand for those items are no longer needed. The fifth variable factor for a fitness center would be hiring and release of trainers and instructors for a fitness center. Fitness centers who have qualified trainers and instructors offer the proper education and training to their members to effectively workout to achieve their desire goals. The number of trainers and instructors will be dependent on the membership of a fitness center. The more members that a fitness center has will increase the amount of trainers and instructors to equally distribute their knowledge, skills, and teachings to members. However, if membership decreases than fitness centers may not have a need to have twenty-five trainers or instructors if they could operate with just seven. So, this may affect opportunities for employment on both ends of the spectrum, positively and  negatively. D.) Franchise Decision Many people today are turning towards making better lifestyle decisions, those that particularly affect one’s health. If one hasn’t noticed, even fast food restaurants are turning towards healthier food choices. Who would have ever though that McDonalds would actually start selling fruits? People choose to take control of their health benefits in different ways; however, numerous people have turned to fitness centers to stay health and in shape. â€Å"The percentage of people belonging to health clubs and gyms has double over the past 20 years† (Snap Fitness, 2012). One contributing factor for this extensive growth is due to the cost of health care continuously increasing. In addition, we are living in a baby boomer generation which plays a major role in the population rate. â€Å"Economically, the health club industry has proven to be recession-proof, averaging an 8% annual growth rate since the early 1990’s across all health clubs and gyms† (Snap Fitness, 2012). That is very impressive due to the fact that most business were suffering great losses. The quoted statement proves that no matter what economic state the economy may be in, the need and demand for fitness centers will always be on the rise. Because of the high demand of fitness centers, one believes that entering into a franchise with Snap Fitness would be a great idea for countless reasons. When entering into any kind of business, cost plays a major role in decision making. Snap fitness seems to be an affordable investment. Snap Fitness points out in their Franchise Disclosure Document that one’s total investment in Snap Fitness will range from $76,113 to $361,695. The numbers seem very large, however, Snap Fitness offer excellent financing options. Furthermore, Snap Fitness â€Å"ongoing royalty and marketing fees are a set flat-rate, as opposed to other franchises that charge you a percentage of your monthly revenues† (Snap Fitness, 2012). This is great because one will always know what the marketing fees will be. Therefore, one will be able to keep additional profits if the business is doing particularly well without having to pay a higher percentage as a result of a successful month. Furthermore, Snap Fitness (2012) website points out even though the company use automated systems for member billing like other fitness businesses, Snap Fitness is different because their monthly fee is  not a percentage of their total dollar. This means that no matter how much money is made through membership billing, the flat rate will always remain the same. Entering into a franchise agreement with Snap Fitness will be a good idea because one will be able to be his or her own boss. Snap Fitness (2012) website states â€Å"From the moment you sign your Franchise Agreement, the support, service and training we provide is unparalleled in the health club industry. Our turnkey operational systems enable you to run your club with as little as one employee, allowing you to be your own boss. Our product lineup extends well beyond what comparable fitness franchises offer giving you more tools to recruit and retain members and create new revenue streams.† There just seems to be no loosing with Snap Fitness. The business has a team that is always there and available to help one push through any difficulties. The nature of the work environment seems to mimic that of a family-oriented business. The idea of being able to have one employee and a boss is very convenient because when a new business is introduced, the rate of success is unpredictable. It is always best to hire fewer employees as possible to ensure that one can break even. The breakeven point is the stepping stone to making a profit. Entering into a franchise agreement definitely has undeniable benefits. A franchise agreement with Snap Fitness may be the best option for anyone interested in this line of business.

Monday, October 14, 2019

A Study On Adobe Flash Cs4 Computer Science Essay

A Study On Adobe Flash Cs4 Computer Science Essay Adobe Flash CS4 provides newly features which are very easy to be used. Designing using Flash had become easier and more efficient. Designer can easily applies tweening technique to a symbol and smoothly modify the motion paths. The success project can be delivered to a very wide audience. Adobe Flash CS4 can help to deliver this interactive multimedia to web browsers, mobile devices and computes. The newly 3D Translation and 3D Rotation, Bones, and Deco had bring a new animating, interesting and creative experience to the designers. The workspace of the Adobe Flash CS4 is now more elegant and can be set into different style which suitable for everyone. With Adobe Flash CS4, the complicated animation can now be created easier and quicker. In Adobe Flash CS4, creating animation had become easier compare to the previous version which needs to involve with the keystrokes, symbol creation and manual placement of key frames and adjusting the tweens on the timeline. It will be more difficult and time consuming when creating and editing the animations. With Adobe Flash CS4, designers can straightly apply the motion tweens technique directly to the object itself compare to the previous version which need to apply through the key frames. Now, creating an animation is incredibly easy which only within two steps. The motion path which is automatically generated can be easily edited using the Bezier handles. Besides that, the timing of the animation can be easily adjusted in the timeline and without breaking the tweening of the object. With this features being introduced in Flash Adobe CS4, new users and advanced developers or designers can gain more control on the object for developing an animation. (Adobe, 2008) Motion Presets Panel Adobe Flash CS4 provides a library which is full of prebuilt animations for the designers or developers to start their project. The motion presets panel is very easy to understand and use. Besides that, it will be a time saver for project which had little time. Users can easily define a motion preset through saving the object which had tween applied on it. While users can apply the presets by just simply click on the preset on the motion presets panel. Motion Editor Panel Another new feature of the Adobe Flash CS4 is the motion editor panel. In Adobe Flash CS4, key frames had a new and important role with the introduction of the object based animation. With the new motion editor panel, users can now independently control over the key frames parameters which include size, scale, positions, etc. The motion editor panel allows users to control over the key frames of the animation graphically using curves. The fine control over tweens had been brought back with the motion editor panel which will let the users to fine tune the animation parameters for their each attributes. (Adobe, 2008) Bones tool In Adobe Flash CS4, there is a new feature which is known as bones tool. With the bones tool, users can now create inverse kinematics animation easily. The bone tools are very useful for the movement of character in an animation. The bones tool is a tool which can link a series of objects together and create an effect like chains. The bones tool is like bones in human bodies which will moves in a definitive way. The bones will be able to let users to link several objects together. After that, users can easily and quickly animate the object via controlling the movement of each segment of the object which had link with the bones. The bones can be easily created by just simply click and drag between the symbols. For an example, the bones tool can be use in the part of the mechanical machine which is use to pick up things. (Adobe, 2008) Deco Tool In the designing part, deco tool is the new feature which was being added in Adobe Flash CS4. The deco tool provides a new and more creative way to design symbols for users. It is great whether on creating or other effects. The deco tool lets the user to unleash their creativity through the different types of drawing effects which are available. The vine fill effect fills the background with a pattern of branching plant formation. The grid fill effect fills the background with patterns of symbol which are selected by the users. While the symmetry brush will allows the user to create kaleidoscope-like effects. (Adobe, 2008) Sample Sound Library Another fantastic feature of the Adobe Flash CS4 is the sample sound library. Adobe Flash CS4 has a library which is full of various kinds of sound effects. Users can now easily apply sound effects to their project. In order to add sound effects to the project, users can simply drag and drop the sound to the project from the library to the frame on the timeline. Besides that, users can also download sounds from the internet and then import it to the sound library in order to apply it to the project. (Adobe, 2008) Macromedia Flash 8 Macromedia Flash 8 is the software which allows designers to design animations, videos, games and advertisements. In Macromedia Flash 8, it had several improvements over the work flow and the design tools which are the run time blend mode, filters and effects, alpha channel video and file size shrinking and playback time. The major change of Macromedia Flash 8 compare to the previous version is the Flashs video capabilities. The enhanced video capabilities provide a wider range of codec and output options which unavailable in the previous version. Macromedia Flash 8 provides more advanced controls for the users and made complex actions and effects just within one click. The action script for Macromedia Flash 8 now has script assists which will help the beginner users to learn and use action script easier. (Jacobi, 2005) New Blend Mode In Macromedia Flash 8, the new blend mode is a totally new feature compare to the previous version. The blend mode is a feature which can applies graphical effects to the movie clips or buttons which are created by the users. The new blend mode includes the normal, darken, lighten, hard, light, invert, alpha, etc effects. (Cipollo, 2011) New Filter Effects Besides the new blend mode, users can now also add glow, blur, shadow and adjustable color effects to the movie clips or buttons. This feature will be an ideal for creating the Fireworks style of effects quickly and easily. Users can easily apply these effects by just choosing it from the filter tab which is located on the Property Inspector. The size of the Flash document file will not increase because the filter effects were applied on the runtime. (Cipollo, 2011) New Drawing Mode Macromedia Flash 8 is now features with the new drawing which is called the object drawing mode. In this mode, users can now draw an object on another object and the shapes of both of the objects will still remain. So, users can now move the top object and no need to worry the shape of the object below will be destroyed. Users can easily change between the new object drawing mode and old merge mode through the toggle button which is located in the toolbar of Macromedia Flash 8. (Cipollo, 2011) Script Assists Now, Macromedia Flash 8 comes with a new feature which is known as the script assists. It will become easier to apply action script to the movie clip with the new scrip assists feature. The script assists feature will prompts suggestions of syntax for the users. Besides that, it will also explain the parameter choices of the code for the users. So, users which are not very familiar with action script can easily learn it through this feature and use the action script. (Cipollo, 2011) Custom Ease In/Ease Out The custom ease in or ease out is also one of the new feature which is available in the Macromedia Flash 8. Users can now easily control the speed, scale, color and filters of the animation with this custom ease in/ease out feature. Users will control the animation through a graph like tool that uses a Bezier curve. Users can edit the attributes of the animation via editing the curve in the dialog box. With this new feature being introduced, designer can now have a better control and runtime results of the animation. (Cipollo, 2011) Bitmap Caching Flash continuously redraws the vector object when movie plays because it is a vector based program. Bitmap caching will help users to improve the animation performance to become faster through reducing the calculations which occur during the movie. Users should cache their vector movies into bitmap before continue on their vector image. Users will know which vector objects can be cache as bitmaps in the Flash movie through the use action script or property inspector. (Reiven, 2006) Action Script Action Script is a type of coding language which was developed by Adobe. It is use with flash to create animations, videos and games. There are few versions of action script which are 1.0, 2.0 and the latest 3.0. Action Script 2.0 Action script 2.0 adds some new runtime functionality which improves the object oriented development in flash. It formalizes the object oriented programming syntax and methodology. In action script 1.0, it is lack of traditional vocabulary for creating classes and objects. While action script 2.0 has the feature of supporting syntactic for traditional object oriented. It will provide class keywords for the user when creating classes and extends for inheritance. Action Script 3.0 In action script 3.0, there is a new action script virtual machine which is known as the AVM2 that uses new instruction set of byte code and the performance also had been improve. Besides that, the 3.0 version also had become a more modern compiler code base which is now closer to the ECMAScript standards. The application programming interface (API) of action script had also been expanded and improved compare to the previous versions. In this version of action script, it is designed to work with a more complex application which has large data sets and object oriented code bases. With AVM2, the code can be executed ten times faster than the previous versions of action script code. Action script 3.0 also is compatible with the older version. For example, action script 3.0 codes can load swf files which are written in 1.0 or 2.0. In this new version, there will be no more stage coding available. It means that users cannot apply scripts directly to the movie clip using on() and onClipEven(). Now, the stage instanced will be automatically declared. With Flash CS3 or greater versions, it will help users to simplify the application entry point. It will help instantiating the class for the users. Besides that, there will be no more onEventHandlers and is now replace by EventDispatcher. Users can now access the data from the URLs immediately. The object oriented programming will improves the development of a project through breaking down into objects. Object oriented programming actually is not a must in action script 3.0, but it helps the cases with large projects which involved multiple programmers. (Adobe, nd)

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Same Sex Marriage Essay -- Homosexuality, argumentative, persuasive

Many years ago one may have thought that marriage was just between a man and a woman but today that is not always the case. People of this era have now begun to exploring a new aspect of marriage, same sex marriage. Should two people of the same sex be allowed to marry? Throughout the years same sex couples have been pursuing the same rights as heterosexual couples. Since the 1970s homosexual couples have been trying climb this social ladder and gain their civil rights. They have been seeking the government recognition as a domestic partnership since the 1980’s. it wasn’t until the late 1990s when the state of California legalized domestic partnership but very few followed. This allowed extended rights to couples that weren’t married. But the couples’ partnership was only recognized in the state in which they were married. Gay and lesbian couples then began to seek recognition from the government through civil union. Even though it was still only recognized in the state in which the union was performed, civil union gave the unmarried couples even more extended rights. This was first passed by Vermont 2000 and yet again only a few followed. Homosexuals still felt that even though domestic partnerships and civil unions were major break troughs they were not marriage. Neither of domestic partnership nor civil union would have even contributed to the court cases of the Estate of Cooper and Dean v. District of Columbia. In the Estate of Cooper case of 1993, Cooper died and left his belongings to his ex-spouse. His present spouse sued hoping to inherit his belongings as a â€Å"surviving spouse†. The court denied his case and stated that a â€Å"surviving spouse† is considered only as a lawfully recognized husband or wife. In 1995, in the ... ...r marriage to be between one man and one woman, not between two men or two women. Same sex marriage is nothing but detestation. â€Å"If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: They shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. Letiviticus 20:13† Works Cited

Friday, October 11, 2019

Ernie Pyle Essay example -- essays research papers fc

Ernie Pyle ;When a machine-gun bullet ended the life of Ernie Pyle in the final days of World War II, Americans spoke of him in the same breath as they had Franklin Roosevelt. To millions, the loss of him was as great as the loss of the wartime president. Since WWII correspondent Ernie Pyle was so famous, his death on the battlefront came as a shock to people around the world.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ernest Taylor Pyle was born August 3, 1900 to Will and Marie Pyle. He was born an only child on the Same Elder farm just southwest of Dana, Indiana. His father, Will Pyle, was a tenant farmer because he couldn’t make a steady living from being a carpenter, which is what he really liked to do. Pyle described his father, â€Å"He never said a great deal to me all his life, and yet I feel we have been very good friends, he never gave me much advice or told me to do this or that, or not to.† Marie Pyle filled the role of family leader. She enjoyed tasks at hand: raising chickens and produce, caring for her family and serving the neighbors. Pyle describes her, â€Å"She thrived on action, she would rather milk than sew; rather plow than bake† (Tobin 6).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Through school Pyle loved to write. During high school he was reporter, then editor, then editor in chief for his high school newspaper. When he graduated high school, he too was caught up in the â€Å"patriotic fever† of the nation upon America’s entry into WWI (Whitman 2). He enlisted in the Naval Reserve but before he could finish his training an armistice was declared in Europe. After that he attended the University of Indiana to study journalism, but left before he graduated.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ernie Pyle persued his love for writing, and became a cub reporter for â€Å"LaPorte Herald.† For months later he was offered a $2.50-per-week raise to work for the â€Å"Washington Daily News.† He wrote the countries first daily aviation column for four years before becoming the papers managing editor. Pyle was a reporter, copy editor, and aviation editor until 1932, when he accepted a job for the â€Å"Scripps-Howard† newspaper chain. Pyle loved to travel and persuaded Scripps-Howard executives to allow him to be a roving reporter. Ernie Pyle was very excited to be a roving reporter:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It’s better than a million dollars. It’s a new ... ...ncarta Encyclopedia 2000.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  CD-ROM. 2000 ed. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Ernie Pyle State Historic Site.† Indiana State Museum   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  and Historic Sites. 2 March 2000   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   3. Tobin, James. Ernie Pyle’s War: America’s Eyewitness To   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  World War II. New York: The Free Press, 1997. 4. Whitman, Mark. â€Å"Ernie Pyle.† Access Indiana Teaching and   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Learning Center. 1997. 5 March 2000   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   5  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Wilson, Ellen. Ernie Pyle: Boy From Back Home.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Indianapolis Ernie Pyle Essay example -- essays research papers fc Ernie Pyle ;When a machine-gun bullet ended the life of Ernie Pyle in the final days of World War II, Americans spoke of him in the same breath as they had Franklin Roosevelt. To millions, the loss of him was as great as the loss of the wartime president. Since WWII correspondent Ernie Pyle was so famous, his death on the battlefront came as a shock to people around the world.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ernest Taylor Pyle was born August 3, 1900 to Will and Marie Pyle. He was born an only child on the Same Elder farm just southwest of Dana, Indiana. His father, Will Pyle, was a tenant farmer because he couldn’t make a steady living from being a carpenter, which is what he really liked to do. Pyle described his father, â€Å"He never said a great deal to me all his life, and yet I feel we have been very good friends, he never gave me much advice or told me to do this or that, or not to.† Marie Pyle filled the role of family leader. She enjoyed tasks at hand: raising chickens and produce, caring for her family and serving the neighbors. Pyle describes her, â€Å"She thrived on action, she would rather milk than sew; rather plow than bake† (Tobin 6).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Through school Pyle loved to write. During high school he was reporter, then editor, then editor in chief for his high school newspaper. When he graduated high school, he too was caught up in the â€Å"patriotic fever† of the nation upon America’s entry into WWI (Whitman 2). He enlisted in the Naval Reserve but before he could finish his training an armistice was declared in Europe. After that he attended the University of Indiana to study journalism, but left before he graduated.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ernie Pyle persued his love for writing, and became a cub reporter for â€Å"LaPorte Herald.† For months later he was offered a $2.50-per-week raise to work for the â€Å"Washington Daily News.† He wrote the countries first daily aviation column for four years before becoming the papers managing editor. Pyle was a reporter, copy editor, and aviation editor until 1932, when he accepted a job for the â€Å"Scripps-Howard† newspaper chain. Pyle loved to travel and persuaded Scripps-Howard executives to allow him to be a roving reporter. Ernie Pyle was very excited to be a roving reporter:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It’s better than a million dollars. It’s a new ... ...ncarta Encyclopedia 2000.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  CD-ROM. 2000 ed. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Ernie Pyle State Historic Site.† Indiana State Museum   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  and Historic Sites. 2 March 2000   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   3. Tobin, James. Ernie Pyle’s War: America’s Eyewitness To   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  World War II. New York: The Free Press, 1997. 4. Whitman, Mark. â€Å"Ernie Pyle.† Access Indiana Teaching and   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Learning Center. 1997. 5 March 2000   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   5  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Wilson, Ellen. Ernie Pyle: Boy From Back Home.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Indianapolis

Application Essay

With a solid international experience and background in Accounting and Finance, I am eager to pursue these two interests throughout my future career.Choosing an educational institution, I also kept my career plans in mind. I am applying for a transfer to New York University, since a world-class school located in the most vibrant economic capital of the world will undoubtedly help me to maximize my contribution to the Accounting profession and open up new career possibilities.Besides, at the moment when I was standing on top of the Empire State Building, I decided that I am eager to study and work in the wonderful city of New York.The main reason is definitely my belief in superior quality of Stern Business School’s educational program as compared to most other universities.Knowledge is more important than ever before in our information-driven age, and in my deepest conviction, Stern will provide me with more profound courses that will expand the knowledge from the basic course s for Accounting Major completed in my community college. Eager to complement my major with Finance classes, I anticipate finding excellent opportunities at Stern that ranks as one of the top US business schools forFinance curriculum. I have ascertained that I can be successful in this area after my expertise was confirmed by the victory in two stock investment contests in Korea and I obtained experience managing a private asset management company together with my colleagues.These successes prompted me to switch from Engineering and IT to Accounting. With A’s in all accounting classes at my community college, I believe the time has come to move onwards and to take my knowledge of Accounting and Finance to a new level that will enable me to leverage my experience and inborn abilities.The international focus of Stern is, from my perspective, another important advantage of the school. Looking on my experience in China where I worked at my father’s international trade busi ness for two years, I still feel the positive effects of this work that helped me improve my knowledge of the Chinese language, as well as receive hands-on experience in trading and enhance my intercultural competence.The diversity of Stern’s student community is a great asset since it will help me expand the boundaries of my cross-cultural competence and start friendships with people from all over the world. Drawing on my experience of working as a Korean language teacher and participating in the International College Students Association’s cultural exchanges in my community college, I hope to make my contribution to diversity on NYU campus.I also recognize that, given the vital importance of networking in today’s competitive business environment, studying at Stern can help propel my career through acquaintance with professionals likely to obtain positions in the leading international companies.This global focus of the school will give me a competitive advantag e in achieving my final goal, the position of a CFO in a renowned multinational company. Combined with my knowledge of Chinese, Korean and English, a degree obtained at NYU will maximize my choices for a successful career start.Access to the hub of the global economy is another important criterion for my choice. I feel that to learn the most about the US economy, I have to get to the center of business located in Manhattan. Using this opportunity, I can help make contacts with those who are at the forefront of what is happening in the US business community.Located in the middle of the global economy, NYU will give me an excellent chance to search for a job in a top-ranked accounting form after graduation. During studies at NYU, there will surely be plenty of opportunities to increase my prospects of employment through a range of internships and broaden my work experience that is often a decisive factor in accounting careers.I am positive that Stern Business School will be an importa nt step toward the realization of my ambitious career aspirations. With outstanding faculty, exemplary curriculum, world-wide reputation and international focus, Stern is the ideal match for my future plans.A degree obtained from NYU will become the next building block of my professional career, taking me further in the exciting pursuit of knowledge about the business world. I strongly believe that years from now, I will be looking at this pivotal point in my life, remembering with gratitude my student years at Stern, full of intriguing discoveries, intense preparation for future work and friendships with outstanding individuals from the whole world. Application Essay The reasons for including social sciences in my life long career originated at high school when I showed a deep interest and enthusiasm in studying of government, basics of law and psychology.  Ã‚   Since that time I’ve realized that my professional life would be connected with work on government agencies with focus on social relations.My deep interest in law and psychology as well as my critical and logical thinking abilities have been doing me a great favor in my professional life which is associated with two different spheres of professional activity: finance and psychology.After graduation from college in 1998 with a Degree in Psychology I have been working part time as a counselor for mentally challenged people in group homes and also had a job of accountant and tax consultant in consulting company.   This versatile professional experience gave me a great and invaluable practice of working with people and studying psychological issues as well as it gave me a great cha nce for further improvement of knowledge in the field of human behavior and nature of human relations.On the other hand the work in finance sphere gave me an opportunity to develop and improve my critical evaluation and conclusion skills and gave opportunities for essential independent thinking and independent work practice that is one of integral components of my future career goals.  Ã‚   My rich and deep knowledge of human nature and behavior and my long interest in studying law prompted me to think about continuation of my education and pursuing of Criminal Justice Master degree, which is caused by my career plans to work for FBI or federal Patrol.A solid background in psychology on the hand with my critical and analytical reasoning skills will serve as a strong basis for studying law and criminology. That’s why John Jay School of criminal justice, that has excellent criminology programs, will pave the way for further professional growth and excellence.  

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Toward a Typology of Food Security in Developing Countries,Governance Division, and International Food Policy Research Institute. Essay

Global Food Supplies Introduction Question 1                   Globalization and technology enable food producers to access a wider market, increase opportunities, and competition with food supply and consumption. Countries and agricultural multinationals position their supply systems, according tothe global market. Food supply requires a systematic analysis of the food production processes and strategies for ensuring consistency in production and supply chain. Collaboration and partnerships at various levels has been adopted to facilitate in large-scale production, processing, and supply. The following study will discuss the problems with global food supplies, possible solutions, and the implicationsof the suggested solutions. Discussion                   According to Bingxin et al. (2010),availability of food, its accessibility, utility of food, and stability are vital in global food supply.These are the conceptual factors of food supply and food security. Availability of food in one part of the world does not guarantee supply to the parts with scarcity. Accessibility of food is dependent on international relations between countries and international organizations such as the World Trade Organization (WTO). Utility of food affects supply of food because of the cultural orientation towards certain types of food. Other than the conceptual aspects, Thomsett (2011) and Olson (2012) believed that problems in the food supply could stem from the product value chain and the supply chain. The food process chain may comprise of production at the farm level, storage, processing facilities, transportation of the processed foodstuff, distributors, and retailers. Farmers require modern technology and machines to handl e the produce into the form that can be exported. Lack of processing mills and plants limit the food supply into the developed economies (Bingxin et al., 2010). Inadequate storage facilities affect the global food supply because of food wastageat the production level. Perishable foodstuff requires quick transportation and modern preservation methods such as the use of refrigerators (Frankenberger et al., 2014).                   Geopolitical interests andsanctions affect global food supply. Countries that face sanctions may be limited in terms of the types of food they can import or export. For instance,sanctions have affected food supply Europe to Russia in the current sanctions between the some of the countries in Europe and Russia. North Korea also faces challenges in the food supplybecause of sanctions (Thomsett, 2011).Olson (2012) indicated that terrorism affects food supply because of the disruption of the food production and supply chain. Terrorism also affects the farming system because the farmers take alternatives that suit the prevailing conditions in the regions that are prone to terrorism.Agricultural terrorism affects global food supply. Agricultural terrorism is a form of bioterrorism where terrorists introduce animal and plant disease in the region in order to destabilize food production (Olson, 2012). Climate change and natural disasters cause problems in global food supply. Climate change affects the agricultural systems by causing shortages in water supply, flooding, and general inconstancies in weather conditions. Uncertainties in weather make prediction and planning difficult for farmers a factor that eventually affects global food supply (Thomsett, M, 2011; Bingxin et al., 2010).                   Carpenter et al. (2013) held the view that decentralization of food production would help in reducing the challenges of global food supply. Decentralization augments the conceptual aspects of food supply such as accessibility and stability. In this case,the logistics of ensuring the food reaches the consumer are less complicated because the food is within the locality of the user. Adoption of better food production methods and technologies can also help in dealing with the threats of global food supply. Mechanized farming and research in drought tolerant crops are some of the modern approaches that ensure consistency in food supply(Frankenberger et al., 2014).                   Improved international relations with the trade partners and collaboration in research and food production will enhance global food supply. Countries and food producers may sign trade agreements that facilitate food supply. Negotiations on specific food processing and quality can improveworld food supply. Farmers and food processing multinational may share technologies and intelligence on bioterrorism to reduce agricultural terrorism (Carpenter et al., 2013; Olson, 2012).                   Decentralization of food production affects the management of production and product copyrights.Different countries and regions have unique approaches to food production. The climatic and physical conditions differ from one country to another. Decentralization of production will require a strategy of aligning the processes, policies, and objectives of all the stakeholders.High costs of adoption and mitigation measures for climate change and natural disasters affect food supply. Research on crops, animals, and farming systems that are tolerant to climate change requires long terms strategies and resources(Carpenter et al., 2013; Olson, 2012). Conclusion                   Stability in global food supply requires a multidimensional approach. Olson (2012) showed that dealing with bioterrorism involves researchers in agricultural biotechnology and the security agencies. According toFrankenberger (2014) sustainable food supply, depends on sharing technical information on climate change. Capacity building at the production level affects the consistency of food supply. Technical information on greenhouse emissions at the local level and on a global scale can help in formulating policies on sustainability of the supply chain. Food supply also relies on the co-operation of food supply multinationals, Non-Governmental organizations, and trade organizations. References Bingxin, Y et al. 2010, Toward a Typology of Food Security in Developing Countries,Governance Division, and International Food Policy Research Institute. Carpenter, J, Moore, M, Alexander, N, & Doherty, M 2013, ‘Consumer demographics, Ethno centralism, cultural values, and consumer culture in a retail perspective’, Journal of marketing management, 29, 4, pp. 271- 291. Business source complete, EBSCOHost, viewed 13 December 2014. Frankenberger, T, Costas, M, Nelson, S, & Starr, L 2014, Building resilience for food and nutrition. Washington, DC: International food Policy research Institute. Olson, D 2012, Agroterrorism: threats to America’s economy and food supply, FBI law enforcement bulletin, Business source complete, EBSCOHost, viewed 13 December 2014. Thomsett, M 2011, ‘Global supply chain risk management: Viewing the past to manage today’s risk from an historical perspective’, Review of management innovation and creativity, 4, 9, pp.44-64, Business source complete, EBSCOHost, viewed 13 December 2014. Source document